Exhibitions Past Driton Selmani: Prrallë Past Adomas Žudys: Nerves of non-time Past GALLERIES EXCHANGE PROGRAMME: Astrid Hjortdal and Maria Toll: The Observer (Portal to Everyday Life) Past Ieva Rižė: Prototype of Mental Protheses Past GALLERIES EXCHANGE PROGRAMME: Eglė Pilkauskaitė Soap Between Fingers, ‘Galleri Toll’ (Stockholm) Past Vladas Suncovas: Urban Delicacies Past Eglė Pilkauskaitė: Soil Surface #2” Past MISSHAPEN: A third of a second Past Saskia Fischer: LIghts Past Remigijus Praspaliauskas: Gimme, Gimme, Gimme Just a Little Smile Past Mindaugas Reklaitis: MORPH Past Vytenis Burokas: The Order of The Spur Previous 1 2 3 4 Next